Saturday 28 September 2024


 It seems a distant memory now and I think I will struggle to remember details!

We arrived and were soon on the far field and helping others getting stuck on boggy ground. Registration went quite smoothly despite me not having any photo ID, apparently I am well known enough. Kit check was fine and I never skimp on items as I know I feel the cold etc more than many. Then there were the usual hours of packing, eating and wandering about waiting for the early evening start. I caught up with many friends but failed to find Jackie. It was dry and warm but I knew there would be standing water, bog and mud from the recent rain..... there was, LOTS.

Briefing was the usual fun and then it was How many toilet attempts can you fit in before the start. I am always nervous until we get started but chatting to people I had not seen for ages helped. 

The start was crazy as usual and I tried not to get dragged along faster than I wanted. There would be bottle necks at the gates on the first path but I was not worried so early in the miles. I felt slow going up Walna Scar road and tried not to worry. 

The first CP is always a bit of a blur and I didn't really need anything so pushed on. The path from here and below Harter Fell was wet, boggy and muddy. I had opted for shoes with comfort but the lugs were actually OK too. More people seemed to pass me as I made my way towards Boot. Here I did stop for food and water knowing I would need the energy to get over to Wasdale. Again the path here was muddy and there was more standing water than usual. It slowed me down enough that I decided I needed my torch to make sure I did not take a tumble. By the timeI passed Brackenclose it was properly dark and the  short section on the lane gave a small respite. Then it was back onto wet paths to Wasdale Head and the next CP. Determined to eat I stopped and made a proper effort and I think it was here that I put on my cag.

A trail of lights ahead and behind me showed the path to Black Sail Pass and then it was down into the end of Ennerdale. Here the bridge was missing but it had been replaced by a rope and marshalls. Amusing that I had been worried about getting soaked socks and shoes here given what I had already been through. The climb to Scarth Gap passed quite quickly but I ma getting slower and slower on the rocky descents. I did though manage to run pretty much all the way along Buttermere and into the village. Here I managed one hot dog (inner only) and a big cup of chocolate milk. I had made silly errors the other year on the path above Sail Beck and was eager not to end up in bracken again. A bit of care saw me emerge at the top safely and then start the descent to Braithwaite. In the past I had made this a real sit down, take stock, eat etc break and this year was no exception. Plenty of food and variety too. Custard and yogurt always slip down well and then prompt me to eat more solids. The staff there are very helpful and attentive.

I had company off and on from here which was nice and helped keep the pace up all the way beyond Latrigg. I seemed to be alone as I contoured below Lonscale Fell and the big loop before crossing the beck and heading south again to the Blencathra Centre. I didn't feel as sick here this year, not the need to put my head on the table and question my choices; I even managed some toast. I have only hazy memories of the next bit but it was getting light as I dropped towards the River Greta and the new cycleway. My GPS said I was going wrong but it seemed correct to me and before long a runner confirmed this. I actually passed a couple of runners heading up to the Old Coach Road and made decent time along here. Next stop would be the midge infested Matterdale where I knew I would see all my Hardmoors friends. More food and I was off down to Dockray and the loop around Gowbarrow.  The new day lifted my spirits and I did not feel too bad really. A fair few lanes lead us to Dalemain but it wasn't hot or sunny so not so bad and made for better progress than muddy paths.

Dalemain is sort of half way and where we get our drop bags. It is also where the L50 starts. There is a huge marquee and plenty of food. It was heaving down with rain and people were not in a hurry to leave, so much so that initially I struggled to find a space. Drying my feet seemed impossible and even airing them in the saturated air them would have little effect. Oh well, dry socks would feel slightly better maybe. I was plied with food and drink, topped up my water and the food I was carrying and chatted with those squashed around me. It seemed many were stopping here.  True, it looked pretty grim outside but not so bad that I would stop! The forecast was for the rain to stop but I could not really afford to wait and see. I put on my over trousers and left in a downpour and tried to make sure runners arriving by car for the start of the L50 did not run me over. My feet were soaked again within minutes thanks to the long grass. 

One nice thing about this race is the random support that pops up. Running towards the river I met Shane. It had just stopped raining and he was amused at my attire. Crossing the bridge in Pooley Bridge I heard shouts of my name and found it was Albert and family. The change in the weather spurred me on and I was soon on Askham Common and heading to the Bobbin Mill CP near Howtown. A bit more food and I was off the a rather water logged Fusedale and the long climb up to Wether Hill.  I have awful memories of the descent to Haweswater and so was relieved to find it so much better than expected. Perhaps I was just running more slowly this year. It always seems to take forever to move along the reservoir and even when you think you can see the end you are not there. The final bay is hidden by the lower end of Riggindale.

Mardale Head saw more support as I met Siobhan and then other friends at the CP. More food here as it was dry enough to not worry about standing around. The climb up to Gatesgarth felt really tough and I knew I would also lose time on the drop into Longsleddale as I am now so hopeless on rocky trails that are steep. I pushed on the best I could and then took to the grassy verges once it was possible. More climbing led me across to Kentmere. I don't remember much except a very fierce and noisy cow/bull guarding a gate that I needed to pass through.

The Kentmere CP was being manned by Jamie Mc and his team this year. I was as usual struggling with the idea of food but did manage two smoothies and possibly something a bit more solid. Garburn Pass gets gnarlier every year thanks to off road vehicles and water erosion but I would rather be going up it than down. The top was a mass of enormous puddles. I tried to make myself run down to Troutbeck but know I walked some bits. To my amazement I spotted Maria ahead. She steamed past me before we even left Walna Scar Road but was having an awful time with palpitations and more. She was not on her own and there was nothing I could do except hope it improved for her.

From Troutbeck over the Ambleside I remember a stream of L50 runners passing including Richard L. I was probably going ridiculously slowly by now. I made reasonable time on the big track but was slow on the muddy rocks in the woods. Then Ambleside came into sight and the path improved again allowing me to run a bit more. This CP seemed to be crowded but I did manage to grab some food before setting off through the park and up onto Loughrigg. Progress was painfully slow most of the way to Elterwater including on the big flat path which should have been so runnable. The waterfalls were spectacular though. Progress up Langdale was a bit better and I was soon crossing the cattle grid near Side Pike. By the time I emerged from the woods near Blea Tarn it was clear I would soon need my torch. I decided to stop and use it rather than risk a tumble. It meant I lost the runners just ahead that I had been using to 'pull' me along buy hey ho. Blea Moss was as wet as ever and it was good to reach the tarmac of Little Langdale. I could still see torches ahead but was losing the battle to stick with them. Suddenly I heard my name again. I was starting to suffer from lack of sleep by now and in the dark I didn't recognise them. It was Nic Jackson and some friends. Only Tilberthwaite left now! I reached the CP knowing that I was very very tired. I didn't want food I just wanted to get on with it but my brain and reflexes were struggling. Luckily I latched onto another runner and we started chatting- small world as we found we had a mutual friend. She was very patient and must have been frustrated at my slow pace but we stuck together and reached the Coppermines Valley safely. Just the big track and then tarmac after the Miner's Bridge. We avoided all the deep potholes and jogged through the town and towards the school and the finish. Running with her company really helped me that night and I will be forever grateful.

The welcoming committee slowed us up in order that we could all make 'an entrance' to the marquee and be presented with our medals and have our finisher's photo taken. 

Bob was there to meet me as always too. At least I was not like a drowned rat this year. We moved into the food area and soon I was tucking into my meal. Suddenly I felt cold and decided a beer in the van would be better than the draughty tent. A quick clean up and I was in bed.

I didn't sleep very well but was soon in recovery mode and eating everything I saw.... fried eggs on bread, ice cream, bananas and then later at the prize giving proseco and beer plus an enormous fish and chips on the way home. The day was bright and sunny but the prize giving was inside. 

It was the usual festival with many marshalls dancing , singing and making a tunnel for prize winners to pass through. Mike Read must have watched Martin and I the other year because when the V60s were announced he grabbed my hand and insisted we ran to the podium. 

So 3 attempts and 3 FV60 prizes. This year despite getting a PW in 30 hrs 15 I was 1st FV50 and so also FV60 and 8th F overall. 

Do I now do two more- try to keep my FV standing and gain the precious 5 year slate?

Then it was home, shower, do washing, repack van and drive to the tunnel for two months in Europe. Not much running happened but we did masses of Via Ferrata, climbing, walking and some SUP and cycling. Strava tells me it was 53 VF, 51 rock climbs, 617km not counting walks to climbs or around town. 40,700m of climb ( not counting rock climbs), 23km of SUP and a bike ride.

It was disappointing that my main race the UTMR didn't really happen. A massive storm with vast amounts of rain etc meant we couldn't cross the glacier and high passes between Zermatt and Italy so maybe 120km not 170km. Then the rains caused a landslide and washed away a road in Saas valley and so the 120km could not happen. Then a bit of a lack of info until we found it would be about 50km but still starting at 4am to ensure all were back for a prize giving. I had sort of lost interest by now and could not face the 2.30am get up for just a 50km race. I ran walked the route the day before the race day whilst the route was being'checked' and then did the final loop to cheer on runners on 'race' day.