I had been looking forward to Sunday and the last mini MM for some time. I had even managed to get a lift there and back and the forecast was good. Sadly it did quite pan out as I had hoped. I struggled to run form the start. Thought perhaps I was hungry so ate but was then sick..... And it didn't get much better. My brain wouldn't work so I made some poor choices and then spent some time looking for a control on a tor top when it was 100m or so down the slope on a spring! Sitting down feeling dizzy wasted even more time. I did nearly give up as I felt so ropey but by then the shortest way back to the finish was past some controls anyway. Crossing the top I hit my first patch of ice in a huge grough. I went crashing down getting very wet and muddy.
Worse though I bashed my shoulder and my head and broke the ice and cut my hand. It clearly was not my day! Under two minutes later and I went down again. I was now getting fed up. The cuts were fairly superficial but would not stop bleeding. I looked sorry site running with my arm stuck out and blood dripping off the end. I collected a couple more easy controls and called it a day. I knew I was missing between 15 and 45 points but I had had enough. Still I got back inside the 4 hours so at least I didn't lose any points. It will not be my best run and was a very poor effort after such a good run at Coniston. Thanks very much to Charmian for making me a cup of tea. Sorry to Mick for being so grumpy when he shouted Hello. Thanks and Sorry to Mandy - for taking the runfurther prizes and for having them thrown at her as she crossed the finish line. One to put down to experience and be grateful that it was at least dry and even sunny! I'll be back for more.
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